When discussing the purported health benefits of jasmine tea, the main health benefit comes from it being a loose-leaf green tea. Many of the benefits of green tea are widely published and widely known. We can discuss them in a different blog post as well. But what makes jasmine different?
To start, the difference between jasmine tea and other green tea is the scent and scenting process. When made properly, as our jasmine tea is made, the floral essence of the actual jasmine flower is embedded in the already roasted green tea leaf over a period of several weeks when the temperature and humidity is just right during a certain time of year, usually in June. Now often times, commercially available jasmine tea has the jasmine scent sprayed on the leaf. It goes without too much explanation that the traditional method is better for your body and (in my opinion) better tasting.
But what could this aroma do for your mind and body? The main effect jasmine tea is said to have that other green tea might lack is its impact on general mood. The aroma from the jasmine flower can cause a sensory experience to illicit positive memories associated with jasmine as well as a general feeling of euphoria when smelling the jasmine. Think about your difference in mood when taking a candle lit bath versus taking out the trash.
Furthermore, this scent can come through your pores. In addition to loose leaf green tea being said to be very beneficial for the skin,the jasmine scent can come through as well acting as a natural perfume or deodorant. They do say you are what you eat (drink).
Have you experienced any of these uplifting experiences fro mour white bud jasmine tea or jasmine pearls? Email or comment below.